First on-site consortium meeting

On May 11-13, the EASIER consortium gathered for a 3-day face-to-to-face meeting in Zurich, Switzerland. The event held at the University of Zurich brought together nearly 30 representatives from 14 partner institutions. Those who could not make it in person, attended the meeting remotely.

EASIER: First on-site consortium meeting in Zurich

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to presentations of technical work packages and updates on the status of the various tasks and activities. All partners had a chance to present their work and initial results. The presentations were followed by brainstorming sessions that gave the consortium a chance to discuss several open points and exchange experiences gained in the first 16 months of the project.

On the last day of the meeting, sessions covering communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities as well as project coordination and management were held, followed by an interactive workshop on graphical representation of signed languages led by CNRS.

The meeting has strengthened the consortium’s commitment to keep up the good work in the second half of the project. The partners are now preparing for the upcoming review meeting where they will present the first project results to the European Commission.

EASIER: First on-site consortium meeting in Zurich
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