Dr. Giacomo Inches, the EASIER Project Coordinator traveled to Western Switzerland to talk about the technical advancements achieved by the project. He was interviewed by SWISS TXT, the subsidiary of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation at their premises in the bilingual city of Biel/Bienne.
What are the biggest technical challenges of the EASIER project? How is the EASIER team tackling them? How are signs converted into text? What do annotators do? When will we have a universal communicator capable of smooth and reliable translation from sign to text and vice-versa?
Watch the full interview to find out.

Article by SWISS TXT: https://www.swisstxt.ch/en/news/interview-with-dr-giacomo-inches-about-the-easier-research-project/
SWISS TXT is a subsidiary of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR) that focuses on ICT infrastructure, video, and accessibility services. SWISS TXT is present in all regions of Switzerland, covering all its national languages.